
Post-Pandemic Sex

July 13, 2021 BY imani leave a comment

As the states are opening back up, people are leaving their hibernation and finding themselves in crowds with strangers again. Though most of us adapted to the regime of wearing masks and frequent hand washing, some will fully rely on their vaccine to protect them from everything, including, but not limited to, Covid-19.

But, what about sexually transmitted diseases? Can Moderna or Pfizer protect us from those? The answer is, sadly, no. After a long year in almost complete isolation, people are ready to take on the summer of sex, as some call it. We expect even more sex in the fall, when students finally return to campus after a long break. Thus, a rise in STDs is to be expected.

People are ready to party! Unfortunately, it seems as though we will once again need to flatten the curve. This time, it’s the sexually transmitted diseases curve. Stay ahead of the game and get tested for STDs as soon as possible. Similarly, ask your sexual partner(s) about their status. Just because you’ve been staying home and put your sex life on pause during the pandemic, doesn’t mean they’ve been doing the same.

Besides STI prevention, you should also discuss birth control with your doctor. Provided you’re not planning on having kids right now, what form of birth control will you be using? Be aware of your options and discuss your preferences with your doctor.

Just because it seems as though Covid is no longer a threat, that doesn’t mean you should be negligent and forget about safety altogether. Quite the opposite! Learn from the pandemic and always put your health at the forefront of everything. That doesn’t mean you should be staying home in a self-imposed quarantine. Enjoy your summer, but do so safely.

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