
Transportation should not hold you back
from getting the resources that you need.

The MASS Medical Transportation program provides transportation services to medical, mental health, and
certain human service appointments for anyone in the Hampton Roads area who has HIV/AIDS and is eligible for Ryan White Part A
services.MASS also provides alternate forms of transportation (i.e. bus tokens or contracted taxi services.)

MASS continues to work hard achieving our mission to assist in sustaining and improving health, protecting the dignity and encouraging independent living of people living with HIV/AIDS. The MASS MedicalTransportationprogram manages the provision of transportation services to medical, mental health, and certain human service appointments for anyone in the Hampton Roads area who has HIV/AIDS and is eligible for Ryan White Part A services. Service units for this project are defined as round trip van rides per person (to and from appointments) or the provision of alternate forms of transportation (i.e. bus tokens or contracted taxi services) to eligible Ryan White consumers. Please note that services are limited due to current funding levels.

Minority Aids Support Services