
Housing is a Basic Human Right

MASS offers a variety of resources to help those in need gain housing.MASS
continues to work hard achieving our mission to assist in sustaining and
improving health, protecting the dignity, and encouraging independent living
of people living with HIV/AIDS.

MASSS Offers

The Transitional Housing Program was designed by MASS to assist homeless HIV/AIDS inmates who have been recently released from jail successfully reintegrate back into the community. Persons in need of housing support will be identified through existing relationships with Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Links and Resources for Inmates (CHARLI) Program funded by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). Clients that are eligible for this housing program are identified prior to being released from jail.
All clients offered and provided housing support are enrolled in the CHARLI program. The person must meet the following eligibility requirements: documented homeless status by the correctional facility at the time of release, incarcerated for three years or longer, no family or significant other support for housing, no source of income at the time of release, and be willing and able to work after release.

Housing support will be provided for a period of up to six months with a progress evaluation conducted at three months to determine continued stay in the program or termination from the program. Residents are followed up with to ensure they are attending medical appointments and are taking their medications. They will also have access to, and assistance with health/HIV education, food, transportation, social services applications, substance abuse and mental health services and other services as needed.

MASS Offers Housing Residents Support Groups, Employment Resources and Job Skill-Building Services

  • Prior to leaving the program, the residents who are eligible will be linked to HOPWA (Housing Opportunity for People Living with AIDS) to work towards an individualized permanent housing situation.
  • The client must have a job with a stable credit and work history for six months or more to be eligible for HOPWA permanent housing.
  • If the clients are ineligible for HOPWA, other permanent housing situations will be pursued.
  • When clients are transitioned into a permanent housing situation, they will continue to receive CHARLI case management until 18 months post release.

The MASS Traditional Housing Program supports newly released inmates with HIV/AIDS to reintegrate back into the community by providing housing, economic opportunities, and healthcare resources.

Minority Aids Support Services