
15,000 Tested & Counting

The Minority AIDS Support Services strives to improve the lives of people living in the
Eastern Shore region by providing HIV/ STI education, testing, and case management
resources. Beyond testing, education and advocacy, we provide housing, food,and
transportation resources for positive people in need.

What We Look To Accomplish

Minority AIDS Support Services, Inc. (MASS) formerly known as Health and Home Support Services, Inc. (HHSS) is a 501c-3 non-profit AIDS Service Organization located in Newport News and Norfolk, Virginia. MASS was established in 1998 by an African American female as a community-based service organization to provide health care support to disadvantaged persons. MASS is operated by African American executive, management, and direct services staff members and serves predominately African American and minority clients.

Since 2005, MASS has provided Pre-Release Case Management Services, funded by the Ryan White Part A Program, to eligible inmates living with HIV/AIDS in penal institutions located within the Norfolk Transitional Grant Area (TGA). This area encompasses the Greater Hampton Roads region and the coastal county of Currituck, North Carolina. MAI Outreach Service was added in 2007 and Pre-release Case Management Services were expanded to include Medical Case Management Services in 2008.

Brief History

In 2007, MASS was funded by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to provide pre- and post-release prevention services for inmates at high-risk for HIV/AIDS. The targeted population included African-Americans (males and females), other Blacks (Jamaicans, Haitians, etc.) and Hispanics, MSM (men who have sex with men), substance abusers/injection drug users, incarcerated and homeless persons.

Since that time we have been providing HIV prevention services in local jails and communities that include HIV/STD education classes, group interventions and HIV Testing, Counseling and Referrals. Last year we provided HIV testing to over 900 persons including inmates and high-risk clients in the Hampton Roads areas.

Working in the regional and local jails with inmates for over five years has uniquely poised the MASS staff to reach the under-served and hard-to-reach populations. We have established relationships as well as identified needs and barriers for many HIV/AIDS clients. These needs are timely assessed with linkages and referrals made to appropriate agencies.

Where We Serve

MASS is conveniently located in the South East (East End) section of Newport News, Virginia where many of our clients and their families reside. Newport News is one of the major cities in the Hampton Roads Area having a population of 180,000 people and shares the concentration of minority populations and low-income neighborhoods with urban Southside. It has the second-highest number of HIV/AIDS reported cases in the Hampton Roads area. MASS has a second location in Norfolk, VA.

Committed and Caring Volunteers

MASS staff consists of Medical Social Workers, Social Workers, Nurse Case Managers, HIV Educators, HIV Testers, and Outreach Workers. Our staff members provide services for eligible HIV/AIDS inmates prior to their release in an effort to promote access to HIV services for those who are not in care. We also strive to facilitate a continuum of care for those who are in care. HIV testing is conducted at community events and in jails to identify those individuals with HIV/AIDS who do not know their status, make them aware of their status, and refer them in to care.

Our Timeline


MASS is established as a community-based service organization that offers care support to vulnerable and minority populations by an African American female community member, Marolyn Edmonds.


MASS offers Ryan White Part A Program funded case management services for returning citizens with HIV/AIDS upon their release back into society.


MASS is funded by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to provide pre- and post-release prevention services for inmates at high risk for HIV/AIDS. These prevention services include HIV/STD education classes, group interventions and HIV Testing, Counseling and Referrals.


MASS implements HIV prevention services to local institutions and communities, including HIV/STD educational classes, group interventions, HIV testing, and counseling.


Our organization provided over 900 HIV tests to people in our community and local institutions throughout the Hamptons Roads areas.

MASS staff members work very hard to achieve our mission to assist in sustaining and improving Health,
protecting the Dignity, and encouraging Independent living of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Board of Directors

Doris Battle, RN – President

Vision Statement

Transform communities by eliminating
new infections and improving the health
and well-being of people living
with HIV/AIDS.

Minority Aids Support Services